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Out to Play

We're not just virtual bikers, you know, who spend all their time talking bollocks in the forum and only get our knees down when we've dropped the telly remote on the floor. Some of us actually go outdoors to meet other people, and ride to places we've not been before. In the fresh air, and everything. Strange but true.

In these pages you will find the proof. You'll be shocked, you'll be horrified, you won't believe your eyes... some of us are actually quite normal!

Post your tales of derring-do in the forum or e-mail them to us (with photographic evidence, natch) and let us thrill the world with your exploits at drinking tea and eating dodgy burgers.

Forthcoming meets
May 2007
John O'Groats to Land's End
Sponsored ride for Riders for Health.
26 May 2007 Donington Bikefest
Not strictly an Exup1000 meet 'cos somebody else organised it but if enough of us go, we could make it an Exup1000 meet...
3 June 2007 Dave 59's Lincolnshire Run
Route t.b.c but there'll be "a bit of everything" and a stop for munchies at Willingham Woods.
"What I did on my holidays" by Exup1000.co.uk
"I Love Matlock in the Springtime" ThumbnailI love Matlock in the springtime
If it's Sunday, it must be Matlock, and the first Exup1000.co.uk meet of 2007. The sun even shone a bit. Fancy that.
"Bad Day at Black(pool) Rock" ThumbnailBad Day at Black(pool) Rock
It started out as a ride from Rivington Barn to Blackpool for fish and chips. A trip to A&E in the helicopter for one of our lads wasn't on the itinerary...
"Worrying the Sheep" Tour 2006Worrying the Sheep
Exup1000 squadron headed behind enemy lines to tweak the nose of North Wales' finest and terrorise the locals. Where did I put me wellies?
Northern Exposure - York 30/07/06Northern Exposure
Yamahagirl celebrated her mumblety-mumble birthday with a run across Yorkshire to Scarborough, and didn't even bring us back a stick of rock. Sheesh.
Matlock Gathering 04/06/06 (thumbnail)The Gathering
Matlock's used to the regular Sunday invasion of bikers from hither and yon. But on Sunday 4th June, it got rather more Yamahas than it bargained for...
Matlock 30/04/06 (thumbnail) Three go to Matlock
Stig, Yzfkev and Teego at Matlock, Derbyshire. And where were you, hmm?
St Mary's Loch 29/04/06 (thumbnail)Border Reivers
Bazza and friends take to the hills at St Mary's Loch, Moffat, Dumfries. See? It doesn't always rain in Scotland!
click photos to see more

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Hosted by Digital Picsel