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Northern Exposure - the first York Run
by Tunguska, pictures by various and sundry

To help Yamahagirl celebrate her (cough) birthday, some of the forum's northern contingent joined her on a run from York to Scarborough. The original idea for a more northerly meet was Stig's, but somewhere along the line it got hijacked by feminine wiles...

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Yamahagirl offers to
demonstrate that girls can
pee standing up.

It's all Stig's fault, kinda. Sensibly realising that not everyone could get to the Matlock meet, deep in the wilds of Derbyshire, he proposed a meet at York, to try to tempt some members from the top end of the map out to play.

Well, that was the plan, anyway. The date that was picked just happened to coincide with Yamahagirl's birthday (no, we're not telling you how old she is; we respect a lady's right to privacy where her age is concerned). Next thing we knew, it was the Suzanne & Sara Show and only a few hardy souls would survive to tell the tale...

Rendezvous point was the Highwayman Cafe on the A64 north of York for a caffeine fix, then it was off to Sherburn in Elmet and the famous Squires Cafe, for yet more coffee. Unfortunately, at this point Drew had to cry off, having overdone it with the sherry the night before. As he limped home, the rest of the gang decided they needed a bit of sea air and pointed themselves in the direction of Scarborough. And more coffee - there's a bit of a theme developing here.

After a brisk ride, spoiled slightly by traffic jams and police cars (but only when Thunder-Exup was leading - funny that), it was time to head for home. The weather had stayed kind all day, desite a mixed forecast, putting paid to the notion that it's all grim Oop North.

Meanwhile, Drew was having an adventure of his own. Feeling a bit fragile and preoccupied with an urgent need to pee, he misjudged the kerb on a layby and clipped it at about 60mph. Some big air and 40 feet of grassy bank later, he rejoined the road with nothing worse to show for it than a cracked screen mounting. Phew. "Air Drew" made it back to home base without further ado and he promises faithfully to stick to orange juice in future, if there's a rideout imminent. Yeah, right...

Thanks to everyone who turned up - catch the rest of you slackers at the next one. You can find all the pics from the day here.

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"This has got to be worth something on You've Been Framed..."

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Cafe society, Yorkshire
style like.
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"We hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave!"
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Nice pair of headlights.
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"SIT! Good boy! Now stay..."
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SprinterDave wonders
where he can get some
hair-gel in Yorkshire
on a Sunday.

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The Elephant Patrol from
The Jungle Book - Exup

Roll-call: Dave "Now that's magic!" 59, Dave's mate Andy, Drew, SprinterDave, Thunderacemalc, Thunder-Exup, ThunderLady, Yamahagirl.

Plod Magnet Award: Thunder-Exup. The boys in blue seem to like him (or else they like the rear view of his pillion).

Conspicuous Bravery Award: SprinterDave, for turning up on a Triumph. Oh, the shame!

Squires Cafe,
Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorks.
 Click for map   Link to Streetmap.co.uk

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