Website Stickers
Chrome-effect stickers for your bike, screen, visor or car. Only £1.50 each
inc. P+P.
| Order
yours here! | |
EXUP1000 Store You've seen the website,
you've read the forum, now wear the T-shirt! Or the woolly hat! Or the hotpants...
er... <cough>. We've signed up with our new best mates at Spreadshirt
to bring you a range of EX branded merchandise, examples of which are shown below.
These are not held in stock, but made to order utilising print-on-demand technology
so that there's no overhead for us. Any profit we make on the sale of individual
items goes to fund the hosting of the site, so do your Christmas shopping with
us and get a warm rosy glow from the knowledge that you are supporting a truly
worthy cause. Besides, we're sure Great Aunt Matilda would love an Exup1000
thong! Click on any thumbnail or caption to
go directly to that product category, or click here
to view everything in store. | | |
is owned and run by EXUP enthusiasts, for EXUP enthusiasts Contact the webmaster