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Grab some gear!

We've been looking for a way to give something back to all you wonderful people who've helped us get Exup1000.co.uk off the ground and turned it into the lively, friendly, crazy place it is today. There's a real community spirit here and it's all down to you, so give yourselves a big pat on the back.

"So what can we do to say thank you?" we thought. "What does every biker like?"

The answer was obvious. Free stuff!

We've got together with some big biking names to offer you a selection of goodies for you and your bike. All you have to do to stand a chance of winning is be an active forum member who lives in the UK (sorry you guys on foreign shores, it just costs too much to send stuff abroad) and answer a simple question.

Scottoiler FS 365 competition: - click here


www.exup1000.co.uk is owned and run by EXUP enthusiasts, for EXUP enthusiasts
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