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Changing Emulsion toobs FZR1000 Exup (all models)

Information & images supplied on forum by Joeboy, creedxup & Teego

Let's start with the basics...its alot easier to remove the carbs to undertake this task so its off with the tank and airbox ( make a note of where the screws for the clamps face on the carb rubbers......usually they face towards the middle at the top for ease of access. Remove fuel, breather pipes, throttle and choke from carbs.
Loosen screws on lower clamps of inlet rubbers (pain in the R's to reach and see without an inspection lamp). Lift carbs off and put rags in inlet stubs to stop anything nasty / valuable dropping in. Remove & rest carbs in large baking tray. This will catch petrol plus any parts that come off while you are doing the work.

Loosen screws on tops and bowls of all carbs. You'll find out if any have siezed and can do something about it. Take your time and use the correct size screwdriver. It really DOES help and make a difference!. (Mark the carbs 1,2,3 & 4 to help on assembly if you intend on doing them all together.)

Make life easier in the future by replacing the screws with hex heads.

Now do each carb one at a time so you don't get confused. Take the float bowl off. To make access easier, take the float mechanism off by removing the slide in pin.

Undo the 6mm brass nut you see in the middle (there's only one and this secures the emulsion tube and jet holder). It DOES matter were they came from the 2 middle ones have smaller jets in

Remove it and the brass collar. Thats all for the float chamber for now......

Take the top off carefully so the spring doesn't dance off down the road. Make sure not to lose the rubber 'O' ring
Everything will come out in one unit.....Place it safely to one side.

Then remove the diaphrams with the needles in...
Then push on the tube from the bottom and remove the grey slides with the jets in..like this.. Note which way round it was. The lip at the top faces away from the engine with the carbs on the bike.
It now looks like this...pop the tube out and
replace with your new one..Just slide the new tube in and push down as far as it will go. Replace the jet holder. Replace the brass collar and 6mm nut. Screw it up gently but firmly. It will pull the emulsion tube into place. Replace the float bowl. Replace the needle, diaphragm and spring unit; whilst guiding the needle is in to the emulsion tube.
Replace the carb top.
Make sure the carb slide moves freely up and down and there are no clicks and snags from a badly aligned spring.
Tighten up all fasteners.

While you're at it, take the chance to check float heights, balance the carbs and make sure your pilot screws are set. Screw down untill they stop and back out 3 turns (6 half turns is easier to count)..They are easier to get at with the carbs off. Also if you've the equipment, take this chance to balance the carbs.

With everything back together - cross fingers that it will work. Took a bit of time to fire up at first and blasted a shedload of crud out of the exhaust, but it settled down and now starts and idles on the choke as it should.
When warm adjust the tickover. Now starts with a stroke on the button and idles cleanly. Revs up cleanly with a touch of throttle. White rag test at exhaust outlet - clean as a whistle

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