Just opened the box and couldn't wait to brag on the reward.

As some of you know, my ExUp had been sitting several years (5+) when I purchased it. The bike had been full of gas when it was stored and the resulting damage to the tank was significant.
I cleaned and prepped the tank and installed a liner that was slightly less than effective. I performed the whole process again and appeared to have solved the problem. However, in the back of my mind I'm constantly worrying about the potential for another leak. In my opinion, liners are great a containing surface rust that can't be removed but are not designed well to bridge rust-through or perforations.
I've had a alert search listed on EVIL-BAY for several YEARS and was alerted to many over-priced pieces of crap tanks but nothing worth the risk of $300-$400 or even $500. A few days ago this baby popped up on EVIL-BAY and I purchased it for $175 less than 10 minutes after it was listed!!!! (not sure what that is in pounds) Looks like it had been hung in storage for a LONG time.... possibly since the bike it came from was fairly new.
Turns out to be nearly PERFECT! Inside is almost spotless and has only a minor chip or two in the nice paint. Honestly, I don't have any intention to re-paint the tank as I believe a good buffing will make it look like new.
Good things come to those who wait! I'm glad I waited!
The "repaired" original will take it's place in storage for some emergency event. Looking forward to mounting this one and breathing a sigh of relief that I don't have to worry about a leak with this one!
