Vintage Yamaha Rally - September 2019 - North Carolina - USA

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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Vintage Yamaha Rally - September 2019 - North Carolina - USA

Post by kboehringer »

FZR Enthusiasts.
I'm new to this forum and from the other side of the pond. I wanted to mention a large gathering of Vintage Yamaha enthusiasts in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina USA.

For nearly 20 years, a group of friends has been gathering with their Vintage Yamaha motorcycles to ride the Blue Ridge/Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Originally a gathering of XS1100 owners, we've expanded to include ALL vintage Yamahas. Last year we had, XS650s, XS750 & 850, RD350's and 400, SECA 550's & 650s, XJ750 & 1100's, FJ1200, Viragos, Specials, Midnight Specials, and several more...


This is the area where "The Dragon" or "Deal's Gap" is located. 11 miles of twisty turns (318 in that short distance) and a very challenging ride. Area attractions also include the Blue Ridge Parkway. Cherahola Skyway, and several other beautiful mountain roads. Professional Photographers are set up at strategic locations on these routes and provide the photos shown for a mere $7/ea. Would you like to see yourself in one of these?


This is the finest motorcycle riding area on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Our Rally draws motorcyclists from across the country and in a few cases from around the world. Last year we had rider a rider from Brazil!

The rally is GENERALLY a weekend event but many (including myself) arrive days early for extra riding. Our rally is a RIDERS RALLY and each day several groups depart together (normally groups of ~10) to various locations returning to the Iron Horse Lodge for dinner and fellowship after a beautiful day of riding.

Although we refer to this as a Vintage Yamaha Rally, all Yamahas are welcome but only those bikes/riders on machines 25 years or older are eligible for our light-hearted awards ceremony on Saturday evening.


It would be understandably unlikely anyone from this site would be able to bring their FZR to attend in the USA. HOWEVER, I personally own nearly a DOZEN Yamaha Motorcycles and have, on more than one occasion, allowed others to use one of my bikes! Anyone interested???
I typically ride the weekend two-up with my wife during the rally and the FZR would not be a great choice for two-up riding in these mountains. My FZR as well as a couple of my XS1100's would be available for another EXPERIENCED rider to use!

If you can get to Atlanta Georgia - USA on the last weekend of September.............




Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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All Packed up and ready for the RALLY!

Post by kboehringer »

FZR Friends,
Thanks to YOU and all your help, my FZR is READY FOR THE RALLY. It's is still a little on the cosmetically challenged side of pretty but next year it will get new paint and new decals (if I can find them).

I'm a primary organizer of the rally and must represent the Vintage Yamaha Well. We're taking FOUR(4) bikes: '92 FZR 1000, 1980 XS1100, 1981 XJ550 Maxim (my wife is learning on this) and I'm driving my FJR 1300 (not vintage).

I would have preferred to drive the FZR but the FJR is my choice for two-up riding with the wife and it is TOO big to fit in the van. The FZR also does not have the speed pass lane registration yet that allows me to speed (excessively) through the heart of ATL without dealing with eight(8) lanes of hell.

Be prepared for LOTS of photos from the rally. I am certain that this year mine will be the only FZR...

I had to remove all the mirrors and the XS1100 windscreen to get them in.

Used nearly 20 straps to be sure they were all secure and safe. :nod:
Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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VYR (Vintage Yamaha Rally) - Arrival Day - FZR Running GREAT

Post by kboehringer »

FZR Friends,
We're one of the early arrivals but one or two of our friends have also already showed up for the Rally. The event is primarily a weekend event but we show early to help get everything organized....

Tired from the 200+ miles in the saddle of the FJR but not too tired to miss the opportunity to take the FZR for a spin on the infamous "DRAGON". Photos from the photographers will be available in a day or so....

ME and my FZR in front of one of the several Dragon displays...

Scenery in this area is fabulous....

FZR is running great! NO Oil Leaks, NO Coolant Leaks, Running nice & cool and VERY POWERFUL and fast in the corners..... Seems almost effortless to toss this bike around in the corners. I only have about 250 miles experience with this machine and I'm besting my fastest speeds by 20mph or more in most areas.

More to follow as the rally gets underway....
Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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The Dragon - Professional Photos....

Post by kboehringer »

FZR Friends,
I was able to acquire some sample photos of the FZR on "The Dragon".

NOTE: This stretch of road is ~12 miles long but contains 318 turns! It's incredible with every possible type of corner: off camber, increasing radius, decreasing radius, hairpins, up & down hill, etc. It is incredibly challenging.

Along the route, several professional photographers take photos of the passing riders. For a nominal fee, one can download a high resolution image or order prints, t-shirts, posters anything one would desire. The photos below are from two of the larger companies represented.

Southbound photos don't show the UGLY side of my FZR.




Northbound images show the crash damage from the PO. I will repair as time allows....


Here you can see a few of the EASY turns:

Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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Heck of a turnout for THURSDAY

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My Close Friend Jeff's 1978 XS1100e


XJ750 Maxim

Custom XS650 #1

Custom XS650 #2


XS1100 Special

Plenty of talk and fellowship starting up.....
Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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Kenny Roberts? LOL

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My best possible Kenny Roberts Imitation....



Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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VYR (Vintage Yamaha Rally) - Additional Photos you may enjoy

Post by kboehringer » ... layDLDYqZt

FZR Friends,
One of our regular attendees took quite a few photos of the rally. They were uploaded to an Amazon Photos site: ... layDLDYqZt

You will note there were several non-yamahas in attendance and we welcome all riders (assuming they are ready to some light-hearted ribbing). HD's are of course required to park across the street :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

On Saturday evening we hold a playful awards ceremony were several individual riders are recognized for:
  • Most directionally challenged leader (any group leader that must perform a U-Turn or similar)
    Oldest Rider (82 this year)
    Youngest Rider (18 this year)
    Oldest Yamaha (1973 this year)
    Rider's Choice (Orange 650)
    KickStand Award (anyone that drops a bike Custom 650 this year)
    ++++ Several Others
Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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