Thunderace exup cable length

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Thunderace exup cable length

Post by wonkiwheel »

I'm fabricating two new ones thanks to the thread on here as mine have frayed and died. Does anyone know the exact length off hand? I've measured my broken ones and get 610mm. Yay or nay. Cheers.
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Post by wonkiwheel »

Well I'm going to do them at 610mm, I can always chop them down if they take up to much slack. Maybe take off 5mm for the stretching and fraying.
Will post finished length. Btw I'm using 1.2mm shimano inner shift cable and 5.5 x 7.5mm solderless nipples, nipples, what a lovely word. Thanks to nuggit for the instructions.
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Post by wonkiwheel »

610mm is good. Works like a dream. :nod:
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