Valve clearance on 92 Fzr 1000 exup ru

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Valve clearance on 92 Fzr 1000 exup ru

Post by barrybiker »

Hi just wondering , is there any tell tale signs when this needs to be done ? What is the recommended milage to get it done etc ? Is it a costly job to get done ? Cheers for any info
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Post by robertcains »

I had mine done last year at 25k, two exhaust valves were tight so well worth doing, problem with tight valves is they don't give a tell tale rattle like a loose valve & that's when the trouble can be catastrophic, being a 20 valve it's quite an involved job, I saved a little by stripping my fairings etc myself
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Post by roadrunner »

From memory, I think the recommended mileage for valve clearance checking is 26,000 miles. I checked mine at 24,000 and they all needed adjusting. I had five pocketed inlet valves that I had to replace, so the adjusting part of the job was quite easy as I had the cylinder head off to renew those valves and to lap in all the others.
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