A star man in our company.

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A star man in our company.

Post by nuggitt »

I would just like to say a few words about one of our members.

His name is oldskool (Paul).

I recently made a purchase on Ebay in the Manchester area. (not a bike item I'm sad to say)

I got hold of oldskool to see if he was anywhere near to the seller that I bought the item from. Luckily for me Paul was only 15 minutes away from the seller and he offered to collect it for me. Not only that but he had a friend (Brian) who was coming over to my neck of the woods and Brian offered to bring it with him. I was going to try and organise a courier to bring the item for me but it was working out far to expensive and there's also the possibility that it could get lost or even damaged, so I decided to let Brian bring it with him.

Well yesterday Brian turned up at my address with my item and I gladly crossed his palm with silver and thanked him gratefully.

I'd like to take this moment to say a big thank you to Paul for helping me out with doing all this for me. He's a first class bloke and I'm honoured to know him.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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Post by northmanuk »

nice one
hey mister does peeing on the lemon tree make them grow better.No but it sure upsets yer ma
bikes 1993exup, 1988 zx10b1, 1989 zx10b3, 1981Gsx1100,ex,
nothing newer than 2000
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Post by Teego »

Yes, this is a great cameraderie. I've not had to have that sort of help but I know many have swapped/gifted parts etc.

Advice freely given keeps many of us on the road.
I think my request for help was when my RU started cutting out at about 3000rpm. I thought it must be the digital igniter (expensive).
Nah, came the reply (probably from Stig) your Exup has seized.
He was right and the strip down and HT lube cost bugger all.
Never understood why Yamaha never put the valve in the service/maintenance schedule.
Keep on keepin' on.
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Post by oldskoolexup »


Thanks for mention John.......not necessary just pleased to have been able to help.....

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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