FZR400 1WG YEC Kit Manual

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Brolly Dolly
Brolly Dolly
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FZR400 1WG YEC Kit Manual

Post by spook »

Hi, I've got a near new (refurbished) 1WG close ratio box, that I want to sell. I'm wondering if anyone has knowledge of these engines?

First question is what other 400's or 600's would this box fit?

And does anyone have a copy of the 1WG kit manual they could email me? I want to confirm whether it is a Yec kit box, as I believe, the SP had a close ratio box, but with different ratio's as well?

This one has had 10 gears replaced with new ones, so in essence it is brand new!

I believe it was used in an All Japan F3 Cup bike.

Any info would be appreciated.

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