Ride out yesterday

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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Ride out yesterday

Post by nuggitt »

Met up with Dave (rdgravy) at Patrington near Hull yesterday. Unfortunately Mike turned up as well, never mind, I always make good of a bad thing. :p

Dave wanted to check over a camp site at Spurn Point. From Patrington we went through Welwick, Weeton, Skeffling, Easington and Kilnsea. Spurn point is certainly off the beaten track.

From there we set off to Withernsea on the coast road. We called at a cafe at Withernsea sea front for lunch. Take note of the photo where Mike's dashing in to the cafe first. We all thought he was going to get the lunches in. How wrong can we be? He was only dashing in to get a table outside. Having had a lovely lunch (YUK!!) We set off for Scarborough on the coast road again. Back on to the B1242 to Roos, North End, Garton, Aldbrough, Cowden, Mappleton, Hornsea, Atwick, Skipsea, Ulrome, Lissett, Fraisthorpe, Carnaby A614, West Hill then on to the A165 to Scarborough. We were going to pop up to Olivers mount to get a few laps in but there was some racing on so we didn't want to embarrass ourselves, so buggered off quick. Had another tea break in a nice cafe I usually visit when I'm riding out alone. Mike decided to through the teddy out of the cot over a chair he'd saved for himself or so he thought. I'm sorry to say Mike but they don't have directors chairs in Cafe's. First come first served is the norm. :p Having sorted the spat out we left Mike buried in the sand and Dave and I went on our way to Seaway's :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the time we got to seaways it was getting a bit late and it was quieter than normal. On the way to Seaway's I was rear gunner charlie and as we left a roundabout I noticed about 400 yards back a car came out of nowhere and overtook a car and sped up after us then he backed off and just sat at a good distance away watching and waiting ready to pounce. I was convinced it was a copper. I gave Mike and Dave a few good flashes andthey slowed down to the limit. Mike and me know where they usually hide up that road and at a point I thought he'd turn right at a cross road further up the road, and he did just that. He'd then park up and wait for another bike going the other way. :nod:

At Seaway's I was feeling rather generous and asked Mike adnd Dave if they'd like a tea on me. Mike refused point blank. (Still sucking his dummy over the high chair at the cafe) Dave of course said yes. He's a man that never says no. :lol: :lol: I got to the counter and ordered two teas and opened my wallet only to find I was 40p short in change so I asked Dave if he had 40p spare to save me breaking into a fiver. I've had that fiver a long time Dave. Well I'll never hear the last of that. Another teddy thrown out of the window. He was in tears later at the outside table. Poor lad.

Some photos of the day...

















Another photo of Dave...

Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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