Fluctuating Oil Level

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Fluctuating Oil Level

Post by Zebedee »

This is an odd one.

Went for a blast yesterday and after about 40 miles the oil level light came on. Odd as I'd checked it before I set off and it was at the max dot. Pulled over and checked the oil level and sure enough it was only just above the bottom dot, but was above it, just, so I carefully rode home stopping every 5 - 10 miles to check the level again. Each time I checked it was at the same level, just above the bottom dot but didn't seem to be getting any worse. Each time I set off again (yes, checked after waiting a few minutes with engine off) the light would come on after less than half mile. But then weirdly, after about 25 miles it just went out and didn't come on again. When I got home I checked the level and it was back to the max dot line.

Is there any way that something could stop all the oil from getting back into the sump and / or explain why the level would show as being so low, randomly?

Thanks guys.
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Post by Stig »

It generally takes a while for the oil to drain back from the head

The oil level should be checked with the bike stood vertically. I find I don't have any issues with oil level as long as it's to the top of the sight glass
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Post by nuggitt »

+ 1 :thumbsup:
Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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Post by robertcains »

Mine will burn a drop of ragging the hell out of it, seems common on Yam Thou's of this era
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Post by Zebedee »

Just to clarify, each time I checked it first immediately just to check it had at least some oil then again after a few minutes. The odd thing was that was that after the light went out on its own, the level was higher, as it was when I checked again gettng home.

I've owned an FZR1000 before, for several years so I'm more than familiar with their oil burning habits. Thus was a new one on me though.

I will be replacing the oil asap (it's shockingly difficult to find semi synthetic oil from a trusted brand here in the US) as I suspect it has some weird brand fully synthetic in it and I want to rule that out. Oil filter will be changed too for an OEM. Hopefully that will stop this odd behaviour.
Previous Bike: 1989 FZR1000 Exup R (see avi)
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Post by oldgreybeard »

I changed the oil today, and by turning the ignition on - I could see when the oil level light actually came on. I was quite shocked to see about 2 litres drain out before the light came on.

When you refill it is a chance to spot when it turns off again. Unfortunately I completely forgot to do this!

If I got rid of that lawnmower ... There would be enough space for another EXUP
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