Kids Who would have them!!!

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Ear-Plug Cleaner
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Kids Who would have them!!!

Post by bad2bone13 »

Being a parent is no easy task!!!
We parents all want the best for our Kids understandably, but we also want them to be able to stand on their own two feet!!
We have three children, 11, 15,17... they are all off school today as its an inset day!!! whatever the F..k one of those is?? never had any when I was at school!!
Any way I digress, both girls the 11 & 17 year old were going to go out with their friends today, which both myself & the misses were chuffed about as it didn't involve us in any running here or there...
Well the 17 yo got up late which was our fault!! WTF!!! then we were informed that there was no point in going now as she would be half an hour late & her friends wouldn't wait(some friends!!) what she was actually angling at was ("Give me a Lift in Mums taxis so I dont have to do anything for myself") well that aint gona happen!! But that has a knock on effect to the 11 yo because they were going to walk to the train station together, yep you guessed it now the 11yo won't go either!!! Now have 2 sulking kids.. I just want to bang some heads together... I'm gona take myself out of the situation here... I'm off out on the bike!! :p
If you aint on the edge your taking up too much space!
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