Charity run ( well more of a jolly and trying to raise some

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Brolly Dolly
Brolly Dolly
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Charity run ( well more of a jolly and trying to raise some

Post by theundertoker »

Hi Everyone,

Im not sure if i can mention this here but ill have a go and get ready for a telling off just in case lol

A friend and i gained permission from the lovely other halves to dissapear for the night on bikes, we took complete advantage and went straight to the P.C and booked up chunnel tickets ( i bet im not the only one that does this lol).

After i realised it was 100 hundred years since world war 1 and we were headed to Ypres ( the place it all started) i figured i had better make a thing of it and see if we can raise some money for a good cause, so we chose "help for heroes".

And chaps, im not directly after any wonga but would ask that you could share my flyer or raise awareness, maybe even link up on the way.

Anyway, heres hoping i dont get into too much trouble and thanks for listening.

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