Road trip

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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Road trip

Post by nuggitt »

I was thinking this morning of planning a long road trip for Wednesday next week. I thought to myself where shall I go? Kirkby Lonsdale (Devils Bridge) then over to Hawes came into my mind, so the the first thing I did was look on the weather forecast for my area. It's going to be perfect on Wednesday. I had a look over on the forecast for Settle and guess what it's going to pee it down most of the week. So that's buggered that plan up. Sorry again oldskool, but I will make it this year for sure, even if I have to come in the car. :crybaby:

My area.... ... NOREGION=1

Settle's weather ... NOREGION=1
Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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Post by oldskoolexup »

Hi John.

Hawes crossed my mind today but inevitable "emergencies" cropped up, again.

We'll catch up next time.

All welcome!
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Learn from the mistakes of others.............................
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