Just 2 guys I know from when I ran a pub.
You know the A1/A63, as you come off the A1 to go to Sherburn there's a pub on your left, me and worr lass ran it for a year or so. Met a few decent bikers who were coppers in their spare time. They generally keep me up to date if it's owt important.
As I understand it the current practice is small plates and loud cans are not pulling over offences per se. If you are acting the fool ( excessive speed,one wheel only, etc) they are likely to pull you. Then they will check all things, such as size of plate and legality of exhaust and slap notices and fines on you as they see fit. However common sense is trying to prevail amongst the right minded plod (they do exist). The general advice to cops is be logical about it all.
Personnally I find the police most helpful. They certainly went out of their way when my shed was robbed twice and me thundercat was stolen. Yup right out of the way. About as far as they could go without turning up or being any use at all. I think comments like, "you'll not see that bike again I'm afraid", and "well thats what you have insurance for", justify me paying more council tax every year. Yup really good social skills there. But then again a small number plate is a heanious crime, what if the speed camera can't register it?
my mate that got the ticket spoke to his neighbour (a copper)
He stated that each officer has targets to hit each year....amounts of types of ticket
says that some get theirs out the way early so its done and dusted while others leave it until the last few days ...then its anyone they can get thir hands on
untimately, its all down to PI's from one counties stats to the next
everyone has to hit better targets than their neighbouring forces and each year they keep setting higher PI's