Repair/Restoration Questions (Photo Request)

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Post by Stig »

By the look of the plugs 2 have been sitting in water. Make sure the drain holes in the head are clear. It's usually the 2 on the left as you sit on the bike but check em all just in case
AKA Bald headed b'stard
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Drain Check & Delivery Day!!

Post by kboehringer »

Stig wrote:By the look of the plugs 2 have been sitting in water. Make sure the drain holes in the head are clear. It's usually the 2 on the left as you sit on the bike but check em all just in case
The really nasty and rusted plugs came from #3 & #4. The next time I take all the fairings off I will check to see if I can find the drains and make sure they are clear.

When I purchased the bike it had been sitting indoors for 4-5 years. Based on other evidence, including the spark plug condition, it is certain this machine spent some large amount of time sitting outside in the elements.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today it felt like Christmas as several items arrived in the post:
The complete set of Goodridge brake lines arrived by Royal Mail/United States Post Office. I will be very happy to remove the old and potentially unreliable rubber lines.

I also received from England (NG19) the proper rear mount for my newly installed ExUp exhaust.


Having some sporatic electrical gremlins about, I found a used alternator/generator (damaged connector) on evil-bay for just a few pounds, the same seller was selling other components at a fraction of what I had seen others advertising so I purchased them all: Starter, ExUp Servo, and Generator. Since my lack of spares and correct OEM components has been an issue, grabbing some spare items at bargain prices seemed a wise move.


Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

Normally a dimming headlight when raising the revs point to a dodgy regulator/rectifier.
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The Worthless Previous Owner (aka PO)

Post by kboehringer »

FZR Friends,
I'm trying to finish up the bike and get in some riding!!!! :) :)

But, I've had a couple oil leaks to deal with. Most notably the Valve Cover, but also a bit of a drip from the oil level sensor.

This is a big holiday weekend in The States and I started off early to get everything done. Removing the Valve Cover on one of these bikes is absolutely no picnic but it had to be done. While I'm in there I figure I might as well check the valves clearances as well.

When I opened it, I found this.....
The PO had apparently screwed around with the valves himself and left SIX(6) exhaust cam retainer bolts totally loose! Not a single bolt on the exhaust cam was at the proper torque! I can't imagine the destruction this could have caused had this come loose at 140mph!

If I can find the &^%$##@$%#& that was this stupid he's gonna get a punch in the face!

I re-torqued everything and the intake side was in good shape (torque was correct) I guess he gave up after screwing around with the Exhaust side!

When I attempted to check the clearances, I found my 1/2" wide feeler gauges much too wide to check the cams. I was able to check the end lobe on each of the Intakes and all of the exhausts. Although on the tight side of the recommended scale, those were all within specification. I assume/hope the remaining intake valves are the same. I will need to purchase a feeler set that is much more narrow. Looks like a set 5mm or so would work?

Following that fiasco, I decided to pull the pan and fix that leak and see what little goodies were in there.

Fortunately, other than some typical grime and some carbon bits there wasn't any metal, THANKFULLY. I did find a small piece of aluminum foil and assume this was the seal from an oil jug that made it's way in through the filler cap. It also appears he used the wrong gasket as the one I received from EMGO looked NOTHING like the one in the bike...

While I worked on the dirty stuff, my wife Nancy installed new signals on the rear......
Having spent 35 years married to me... she knows a thing or two about wrenches and with only minor guidance (Green=Right, Brown=Left), Nancy installed the signals and hooked them up.

Took all day and a portion of the night but she's all buttoned up and took out for a spin. I will have to replace that regulator as suggested by itsnotagenesis.

At 90mph, in the pitch black night, the headlamp went dim and scared the holy crap out of me!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I dropped the throttle and the lamp came back on..... :paranoid: NO more night driving until this is fixed!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!!!

Kurt Boehringer
Peachtree City, Georgia USA
1992 - FZR1000 - Genesis
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