How to install the inlet rubbers?

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Brolly Dolly
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How to install the inlet rubbers?

Post by Jamolo »

Hi all,

Thanks for adding me. I'm a new FZR1000 1990 owner from Finland. I bought the bike few moths ago and been working on it the last few weeks. This seem to be VERY helpful and competent forum so I wondered if you could help me here...

The bike had been standing for 3 years but after having all liquids replaced it was running well otherwise but did not idle. I took the carbs apart and cleaned the jets (specially the pilot jets). The inlet rubbers (as well as air box rubbers) were rock hard and cracked so I got a new OEM set for both. After putting the bike together it run idle well but instead had a new problem: "hanging revs" problem. AND, it seemed (when I sprayed carb cleaner around carbs) that there were air leaks around the inlet rubbers...

Now, did I do something wrong when installing the rubbers? I installed them in the carbs first, is there a better method or "tricks" how to do it? To engine first? Or are there any other typical sources for air leak in FZR?

Big thanks in advance!

BR Jamo from Finland
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Post by Stig »

I've always fitted the rubbers to the inlets first then installed the carbs

I'd double check the notches in the rubbers are lined up and clips tight
Also if you have a remote carb balance kit fitted, makes sure the ends are sealed properly
AKA Bald headed b'stard
Brolly Dolly
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Post by Jamolo »

Thanks Stig!

I carefully (I think at least) checked with small mirror that all notches are correctly aligned and that the rubbers are all the way in.

No carb balance set in use at the moment.

How tight you must turn the clip screws, all the way to the stops?

BTW, I switched the left/right side rubbers to enable easier access to the lower clips, is it a mistake? They look identical otherwise and the previous rubbers were also installed this way..?

Another question came up: When I now removed the carbs (again), I noticed that the left jet on the top of the carb (air inlet side), looks like blocked...? Acc. to the Service manual it is a main air jet but is it removable? It is not shown at all in some carb pictures...
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Post by banner001 »

main air jets are not removeable

if you spray carb cleaner down it it should come out of 2 places

1st is the carb venturi, it should come out past the needle

2nd place is inside the float bowl, it should come out of the main jet

the flow should be very strong, if its a weak stream, or it fails to come out of one of these places then you have a blockage
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