An earlier ride out.

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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An earlier ride out.

Post by nuggitt »

This is a late post to say Mike and I had a ride up to Sandsend just North of Whitby last Friday. I had a text from Tony H that same morning just as we were about to leave asking if I was going out for a ride. We arranged to meet Tony at Seaways later. Which we did.

When we got to Seaways a group of biker babes rolled in. As you do we got chatting and they were from Birmingham. They were heading for Scarborough to go watch the Scarborough Gold Cup Races at Oliver's Mount over the weekend.

Mike thinks he pulled them but he was forgetting about my good looks and charm that actually pulled them + my bit of pink on my leathers which works every time. Then again it could've Tony's hairy beard, so who know's eh!

Now, now Mike you just bite your tongue young man. I know what your thinking and yes I know I'm a "cunning stunt".



Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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