Not a Nuggit thread!!!

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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More Rabbit Than Sainsbury's
More Rabbit Than Sainsbury's
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Location: On the road again. Distance is the drug.

Post by Teego »

Thanks for posting the pix John.
Keep on keepin' on.
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Post by nuggitt »

Your welcome Chris.

Your ride out puts mine to shame. I would've done the same as you in not wasting time looking for somewhere to get your head down for the night and headed for home. You had a long time in the saddle and all you want to do is get home.

It reminds me of an horrible trip I once did from Igoumenitsa on the Greek mainland to the ferry port of Caen. I was in my old Audi 80 and I did it in 18 hours. Never again though because I had one stop for a quick toilet break and I was doing well over the ton on the Italian Autostrade. To say I was a bit tired is an understatement. Then from Caen to Portsmouth then home to Yorkshire. What a trip that was, and boy was I glad to see my bed. :lol:
Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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More Rabbit Than Sainsbury's
More Rabbit Than Sainsbury's
Posts: 2518
Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:48 am
Location: On the road again. Distance is the drug.

Post by Teego »

You may have guessed that I am not a fan of northern France. Some of the place names suggest I'm not alone:
Arsy, Creponne, Crepy, Mardy, Punchy, Pisses.
Keep on keepin' on.
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