A ride out today

Arrange to meet up to chew the fat, or enjoy a bimble through the twisties.
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A ride out today

Post by nuggitt »

Took myself out for a little ride up to Seaway's Cafe this morning. It was a bit grey and cold when I set off from home. When I got to Seaway's it wasn't very busy to be honest. There was a lovely a RD350 parked up. It was in mint condition.

After a cuppa I decided to nip up to Scarborough. On the way the sun came out and it was 10 degrees warmer. As I pulled in the bike park. I saw a few bikes with pink ribbons tied to the handlebars. I first thought it was a wedding. :lol: It all came clear as I got to the cafe I call at. A group of bikers where doing a fund raising event for breast cancer. They were all dressed up in pink with angel wings and with me having a pink on my leathers (which was the same colour) they asked me to join them on the run. I asked where they were heading and was told Gretna Green :eek: :eek: I said you'll not get me there I might come back married. :lol: :lol: I took a few photos and made a donation in the collection bucket. They were a really good bunch of bikers.

Here's some photos of the day and there's a small video too. I'm sorry about the sound quality but it's my sh*t phone :mad:







Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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