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Post by willandrip »

Right.....armed with a little more information........does this remind our readers of pulling teeth ?

If it is jumping forward (recent info) and stalling; the safety circuits can be ignored.

I cannot go back to read all your posts but ;

Is the hydraulic clutch properly bled/operating the pushrod ?

You did check the plates were separating before replacing the clutch cover as advised ?

They should all lift away when the clutch is pulled in.

No need to use the wall to unstick the have had them all apart....last week you could not get the plates to transfer the drive to the transmission !

I think you need new clutch fluid.
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Post by thunder_taz »

I have changed the oil and rebled the clutch. I have checked the clutch and I can't see any movement when I operate the clutch lever.

I have taken the clutch slave cylinder and there is plenty of movement from the piston. However, how much pressure is needed to operate the push road. I tried pushing it by hand as hard as I could and couldn't move it.

I have let the engine run for about 5 minutes to get the fresh oil circulating but still no joy.
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Post by dustydes »

I checked mine only an hour ago.
Bike has been standing for a few years and the push rod was stuck.
Well not the rod, I could pull it out from the slave side but the small push rod after the ball. No 4 on clutch diagram.
I think it was the o ring No5 that had dried out and stuck, took quite a bit to push it out from slave cylinder side.
I put some oil on it and replaced it, clutch now works.
I will replace o ring just in case it is damaged.

Hope this helps and good luck

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