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Post by Teego »

yzfpaul wrote:do you rearly think 5,000 ground troops a few boats and a bunch of eurocopters could invade scotland ?
No, I was thinking of Longboats.
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Post by banner001 »

yzfpaul wrote:scotland would keep the pound - ( remember that any country can use any currency ) we could use the dollar like panama does but it makes economic sence as our bordering neighbours use the pound then so should we
i think you are getting a few things mixed up here. panama uses the US dollar, but it also has its own currency the balboa. Panama cannot print US dollars, so if it runs into debt it cannot use quantitative easing to sure up its books, and as such runs quite a low local purchasing power index than the developed countries currency it uses (basically 1US dollar in New york city, when transplanted through panama becomes 0.4US dollar back in new york city).

it also means that scotlands buying power is the UK's buying power, scotland wont be able to control its own interest and inflation rates as it would have zero control over its currency, it would have to use the values set by the bank of england, a pound down here would be a pound up there.

and for the record, with regards to the debt issue there are 6 countries that have no debt: taiwan, macau, british virgin isles, brunei, liechenstein and palau...i bet most people would struggle to pick 4 of those places out on a map, know absolutely no one from there, and not be able to add a meaningful contribution of that nation to the worlds inventory (other than general electronics/goods from taiwan and oil from brunei).
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Post by yzfpaul »

i fully understand the implications of a currency union - i was just making
the point if we wanted to use the pound no one could stop us.

yes i totally agree it would be mad having no control over your own inflation and mortgage base rates which is why i think the currency union is a short term plan and we will eventually have our own currency - again its all speculation at the moment until they all sit round the table and squabble for 6 months until next april
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

It is amazing how propaganda by westminster over the years makes everybody believe that Scotland cannot survive on its own and relies solely on oil.
I am quite surprised by some of the comments on here, basically saying if we get independence we can bugger off.
We want independence to try and better our country, not to make the rest of UK worse.
There should be no bad feeling.
And Teego, if the rest of the UK want rid of the Tories then they will have to stop voting for them.
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Post by Teego »

What I find very interesting about this thread is the amount of thought that has gone into everyone's arguments. Far more rational discussion than you find in the popular press.
But, for what it's worth, I think people seek the rational argument to support their emotional position. Emotion is all in politics and Wee Alex is very skilled at tapping into that. The most successful politicians were always like that until they gained power and revealed their true colours.
As for an inherent Tory majority south of the border - great.
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Post by compo fzr ru »

yzfpaul wrote:well its good to see the views of others so heres my stance

the vote for independence has come about due to the public voting at least 80% to the S.N.P in the last 2 elections and us ending up with the opposite

for example the conservatives have 1 mp in hollyrood and yet we are governed by a con/libdem ukip mish mash

Scotland had the chance to Vote for Independance in 1978 and we were told then by westminster it was a bad move as the oil fields will run out in 10 years time and the country would collapse into oblivion

40 years on and the north sea is still going strong with new fresh oil fields being found now in the west of scotland and off the shetland isles with a forecast value of trillions of pounds

there are lots of un-answered questions because the U.K government didnt want to negotiate our separation until after the elections.
if the YES vote wins on Sept 18 we will become Independent in April 2015
this gives the politicians 6 months to sort out the divorce.

as for oil and all the other BS about tax hikes is just nonsense
at this very moment in time the people of Scotland pay in to the u.k. Treasury purse 9.4% of the total uk income, of which we get back 8.2%
so the oil is just a bonus not a necessity in the scottish budget

you vote YES for Independence NOT for alex salmond

scotland would keep the pound - ( remember that any country can use any currency ) we could use the dollar like panama does but it makes economic sence as our bordering neighbours use the pound then so should we
companies would not pull out of scotland thats ridiculous
thats like saying O2 would pull out of the UK because Telefonica is based in spain

there would be minimal change in the UK if scotland went independant for what it looses in revenue it would gain by not having to pay for the upkeep of the broad spectrum of public services.

yes we would need new passports and licences this is not a big deal
as all the infrastructure is already in place its just a change of stationary

do i think scotland can go it alone - YES
will i vote YES for a better future for my children - YES
am i scottish NO - im from south east england
if u did go your own way and u went tit's up like Greece who 's going to bail u out us or the german's :D
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Post by yzfpaul »

i am pleasantly surprised also by the arguments put forward on radio 4

it seems our anti westminster ( hauld all the cash down south )
arguments are rubbing off

a young lady ( name escapes me ) is an MP in the leeds area and was
openly supporting the YES vote saying '' westminster should wake up
and listen to the north - why dont they invest in new motorways linking
birmingham leeds and newcastle to open up new infrastructure for buisness
in the north instead of billions making the M1 into London 12 lanes ?

and the new toy trainset they want to build HS2 which is to link london
birmingham then onto manchester and leeds - it was put forward in the commons to start the building work in manchester and leeds to boost the economy - they knocked it back and will start the build in london-
you watch if the fuckers just make it to birmingham and no further !!
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

Theres loads of stuff happening in the media to hide the good things that are happening with the yes campaign.
And yet a no campaigner gets hit by an egg and its in every paper and all over the news.
Some of the stuff happening is really pathetic for instance the Proclaimers are on a black list with all radio channels not allowed to play any of their songs because they are yes campaigners.
The biggest laugh out of all this is if its that important that Scotland stays with the UK why has it taken right up until 8 days before the voting day for Mr Cameron to trouble himself to come to Scotland and campaign for the better together mob? Has he been too busy wining and dining Obama instead?
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Post by banner001 »

watched a well known film yesterday, and it had a well known verse in it...

Tommy: Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish?

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!

i hope that King Salmond makes everyones dreams come true if you lot vote for long as the prices of Talisker, Oban and The Balvenie dont rise im on neither side, good whiskey and good cigars are getting way too expensive, and given that i currently look like fidel castro its costing a lot to maintain the look...
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Post by joe111 »

you cant polish a turd, but you can buy some shiny shit
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Post by banner001 »

i wasnt kidding about the castro look either...this was 2 months ago at le mans...its grown further since then :D

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Post by scotty »

Brill, quality picture Castro....

I must admit I'm over he moon with the responses, plenty of yes and no views....each time i speak to someone regarding this they bring something new to the table...its fascinating....

I truly belive the scottish people have finally had enough of westminster.....the big 3's visit is a joke and will hopefully backfire...

Only a few days to go now and regardless of the outcome a fresh debate will surely begin.....
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Post by scotty »

Am as sad as fuck.....canny beleive it...well better get ready for the shafting thats least ive got a bootle of wine.....
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Post by Teego »

Well, all had their say. Massive turnout. But not as close run as expected. Glad to see the back of Wee Alex the Poser and his dream of socialist paradise which he could never pay for.
I was always woried about a nationalist party that also claimed to be socialist. The last one I remember started WW2.
Time to move on now.
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

Teego wrote: The last one I remember started WW2.
You actually remember that?? :lol:
Well the brown stuff has hit the fan in Glasgow.
People supporting the NO vote have started rioting against the Yes camp who had congregated in George Square.
There has been waving of union jacks (not a problem) and singing Rule Brittania (also not a problem)
But there is also No Surrender being sung and Nazi salutes and Saltires being burnt by people wearing Rangers tops.
This is not right.
I dont believe that any Scottish person would burn the Saltire and give Nazi salutes.
At the end of the day the No voters got their way so why cause this trouble?
What would it have been like if the vote went the other way?
I know that not all No voters behave like this and it is obviously a minority but I have a feeling that these people are not even from Glasgow and are just here to cause trouble, a bit like the football casuals that go to matches for a fight instead of the football.
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