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Post by Teego »

Thing is, looking in from the outside, the Scots may or may not have more economic clout. But do you really think wee Alex and his fishwife Sturgeon can be trusted to look after the finances. Every Labour govt in the Uk has left us broke and Alex is financially more whacko than any of them.

Oh, and he once said that an independent Scotland could emulate Ireland and Iceland. Check out what happened to them.

Anyway, I don't have a vote, so ignore what I say.

Good luck Scotties.
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

The thing a lot of people fail to realise is that although Alex Salmond is at the front pushing for independence if Scotland gets a yes vote he might not be elected.
Its not guaranteed for him to be in charge, there will still be elections held to decide this.
Its been said already that politicians lie, how much oil is left nobody knows for sure, oil is not the be all and end all.
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Post by scotty »

I dont particularily like Alex or Nicola, but there is no one else pushing this for Scotland so at the moment they are in the driving seat.....will i vote for SNP....dont know, well see who comes up with what at the elections.

Some of Alex salmonds statements / proposed policies are nonsence.....who did he ask when he said scotland welcomes and wants immigrants......sort out the home front first Alex, then see if we can accomodate educated, tax paying immigrants....dont just open the doors for all and sundry to swamp our shores...thats whats happening down south and its a bloody mess...I can see a civil war looming on the horizon if westminater dont do something serious about immigration and soon.....joe public are sick of whats happening around them..
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Post by compo fzr ru »

I for one don't mind if Scotland go's as it makes no difference to me don't work or any way need Scotland but what I do mind if it affects any cost's with taxation to me pay bloody too much as it is :finger: if u do go your own way it should be in full that means you have no valid passport or driving licence as they state united kingdom u need to get your own dvla not one in wales and your own passport office as this states united kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland of which u will not be :(

just my thought.

then we will see how much this is going to cost Scotland ????
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Post by scotty »

Thats the tip of the iceberg mate..
Driving licences
pilots licences
armed forces
maritime boundaries
avaition boundaries
bbc licence
car tax

one thing for sure, i beleive the taxes in england will go up big time or severe austerity measures everywhere except the wealthy and westminster..
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Post by compo fzr ru »

scotty wrote:Thats the tip of the iceberg mate..
Driving licences
pilots licences
armed forces
maritime boundaries
avaition boundaries
bbc licence
car tax

one thing for sure, i beleive the taxes in england will go up big time or severe austerity measures everywhere except the wealthy and westminster..
too true scotty u need to vote no or it will cost every working class man or beast shed loads :nod:
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Post by roadrunner »

Just my two penny worth.

Just why would anyone vote to loose a bunch of lying, cheating, scheming counts (have I spelled that correctly?) here in England, only to vote in a bunch of lying, cheating, scheming counts there in Scotland? :confused:
With age comes wisdom.......and senility!!! Who are you again?
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

roadrunner wrote:Just my two penny worth.

Just why would anyone vote to loose a bunch of lying, cheating, scheming counts (have I spelled that correctly?) here in England, only to vote in a bunch of lying, cheating, scheming counts there in Scotland? :confused:
In Scotland we pretty much have no say in who controls Britain.
At least we would have voted them in.
As it is, if everybody in Scotland was to vote SNP they still would not be running Britain and someone we didnt vote for would be.
Does that sound fair?
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Post by itsnotagenesis »

Passports and driving licences are a rip off.
Maybe every country should have its own system anyway and it should be cheaper.
If it costs Scotland to set all this up why should anyone other than people staying in Scotland care?
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Post by Teego »

Here's another thing. If Scotland goes, Labour loses 40 seats at Westminster. Tories in power forever. I really like that.
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Post by yzfpaul »

well its good to see the views of others so heres my stance

the vote for independence has come about due to the public voting at least 80% to the S.N.P in the last 2 elections and us ending up with the opposite

for example the conservatives have 1 mp in hollyrood and yet we are governed by a con/libdem ukip mish mash

Scotland had the chance to Vote for Independance in 1978 and we were told then by westminster it was a bad move as the oil fields will run out in 10 years time and the country would collapse into oblivion

40 years on and the north sea is still going strong with new fresh oil fields being found now in the west of scotland and off the shetland isles with a forecast value of trillions of pounds

there are lots of un-answered questions because the U.K government didnt want to negotiate our separation until after the elections.
if the YES vote wins on Sept 18 we will become Independent in April 2015
this gives the politicians 6 months to sort out the divorce.

as for oil and all the other BS about tax hikes is just nonsense
at this very moment in time the people of Scotland pay in to the u.k. Treasury purse 9.4% of the total uk income, of which we get back 8.2%
so the oil is just a bonus not a necessity in the scottish budget

you vote YES for Independence NOT for alex salmond

scotland would keep the pound - ( remember that any country can use any currency ) we could use the dollar like panama does but it makes economic sence as our bordering neighbours use the pound then so should we
companies would not pull out of scotland thats ridiculous
thats like saying O2 would pull out of the UK because Telefonica is based in spain

there would be minimal change in the UK if scotland went independant for what it looses in revenue it would gain by not having to pay for the upkeep of the broad spectrum of public services.

yes we would need new passports and licences this is not a big deal
as all the infrastructure is already in place its just a change of stationary

do i think scotland can go it alone - YES
will i vote YES for a better future for my children - YES
am i scottish NO - im from south east england
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Post by yzfpaul »

sorry i missed out my tuppence worth on defense
we would be sitting ducks vulnerable
and be in impeding threat of invasion
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Post by Teego »

yzfpaul wrote:sorry i missed out my tuppence worth on defense
we would be sitting ducks vulnerable
and be in impeding threat of invasion
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Post by yzfpaul »

do you rearly think 5,000 ground troops a few boats and a bunch of eurocopters could invade scotland ?
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Post by yzfpaul »

i've seen the women in glasgow fight on a night out - they wouldnt stand a chance :lol:
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