RU Rear Shock Rebuild

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Post by nuggitt »

Hats off to you both for giving it a go in these lean times. As for the bankers etc. Well I think you've spelt it wrong. :D
Bit of advice. Buy a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you aren't in one you'll be in the other.
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Post by skyerae »

Ah, you mean merchant bankers :D
If you can't do a job properly, don't do it at all !!!
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Post by yampug »

decided i was being too fussy you can't even see the small chip when the shocks fitted. that i couldn't be arsed to send it back to brooks and wait another three weeks.

fitted the shock this afternoon, going to take it for a test ride and see how it feels, already just sitting on the bike it feels a lot firmer. not sure why they set my preload differently to how it was sent but hey ho.
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Post by yampug »

Glad I fitted the shock instead of sending it back, feels like a new bike. Well happy with it. :)
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Purity Vendetta
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Post by Purity Vendetta »

Lol I was trying to be ladylike in my spelling of *anksters nuggitt but you're of course right to correct me. Well it was either roll the dice and try to rescue something from the ashes or the dole. Actually the dole is looking more profitable at the moment :rolleyes:

They're all *ankers to me skyerae :wink:

Glad the shock saga worked out for you in the end yampug. If all goes well with my experiments I might well rebuild my own shock and see if it makes a difference to the performance. Are you going to stay with the heavier preload? I was wondering whether to up the tension on mine as when I refitted the fairing panels I realised I'd been just touching down on the left side. Probably nothing worth tinkering with the suspension for but I'm only 10st and I do have to work quite hard throwing her into corners. I might try more preload front and back and drop the forks down 10mm in the yokes.
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Post by yampug »

4 clicks of preload seems to work well for my weight(17st) on my ace.

you must be going some pv to get your plastics scraping on the road. :eek:

been for a ride on my ace today and i think i'm now at the point that the only bit that needs fixing is my riding. i am starting to miss the comfort of my fj, 150 miles on a sports bike and i think i might be broken. :crybaby:
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Post by yampug »

10st i'm surprised you need any preload at all.
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Purity Vendetta
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Post by Purity Vendetta »

I think the touching down might have something to do with long ripply left hand sweepers on the coast road in northern Greece. I do like to keep things quite stiff, stop sniggering you lot, in the suspension department I mean. Although it's very sweet of you to say I don't need any preload yampug I tend to go for somewhere around 3 or 4 on the front preload and the rear is the stepless locknut adjuster. I can't for the life of me remember what setting the damping adjuster is on so I must take a note of them both.
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