Ru ignitor

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Brolly Dolly
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Ru ignitor

Post by Scoobydoo »

Have been looking for a ignitor to fit my 95 ru for some time but no luck is there any where I can send it to be fixed ?????
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Post by mobil1 »

Morning. Was trawling fleaay and found this if its any good to you. ... EBIDX%3AIT
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Post by mobil1 »

Not sure if they are the same but I replaced a my French unit with one
Mine a 94
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Brolly Dolly
Brolly Dolly
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Post by Scoobydoo »

Cheers my good man I've just brought it just hope it works will be nice to get bike back on road :D
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Post by mobil1 »

Glad I could help. :thumbsup:
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