Looking to the future

Check this forum for news about the site, advance warning of scheduled maintenance and other announcements.
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Looking to the future

Post by tunguska »

Although the forum is up and running, our ambitions don't stop there. We'd like to develop the exup1000.co.uk website over the coming months into a useful resource for bikers and our plans for the future include:
  • members' bikes gallery
    kit and equipment reviewed & rated by you
    biking links - suppliers, dealers, bike-friendly accommodation, events
    current news headlines from the two-wheeled world
    desktop wallpapers
    www.exup1000.co.uk merchandise
Watch this space for more announcements about our plans and don't be shy, post your suggestions on the forum if there's anything you'd like to see. Likewise, if you come across any problems with the site, please let us know by e-mailing admin@exup1000.co.uk.

EXUP1000.co.uk Site Admin Team
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