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The Gathering 04/06/06 - photo gallery 1
On 17th May 2006 1040exup had the idea that we should organise a group meet at Matlock, since it was roughly central. Sunday 4th June was the day, and everyone was invited. Little did he know that his suggestion would spawn the longest thread in the forum's history (all eight months of it, at this point) and set the standard by which future forum meets would be judged. In this gallery you will find the photographic evidence (in no particular order). Please click on the thumbnails to view larger images.
Matlock thumbnail 1 Matlock thumbnail 2 Matlock thumbnail 3 Matlock thumbnail 4
Matlock thumbnail 5 Matlock thumbnail 6 Matlock thumbnail 7 Matlock thumbnail 8
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Matlock thumbnail 13 Matlock thumbnail 14 Matlock thumbnail 15 Matlock thumbnail 16

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